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KwaYa travellers going to Africa often need some inspiration on how to raise funds. Fundraising can be fun. Keep in mind people are happy to contribute to a project that assists vulnerable children. Don't be shy in letting them know what you are doing and why and how they might get involved. They may help you run a fundraiser or invite friends to your fundraiser. 


The trip to Africa starts long before we get on the plane. We encourage you to step out of your comfort zone.  Challenge yourself to do something you have never attempted before. Invite your local community to be a part of your journey. Allow them the opportunity to contribute to the worthwhile projects you will be engaged in. Remind them that you have personally paid for your own trip and 100% of funds raised go towards educaton of vulnerable children in Uganda. 


​Even if you haven't fundraised before we suggest you try one of the following, choosing the one that best suits you depending on your contacts and amount of time you have.


Keep in mind $1000 is the required (but not limited to) minimum. The more you raise the more we can do.

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Lotteries involve very little effort and time and the great thing is you can offer a prize, which everyone loves. Tell someone they may win $20 for donating $5 and you will suddenly see everyone happily putting their hands in their pockets. 

The key is to pick a relevant topic that everyone can get involved with: the rugby world cup, the X factor, State of Origin. They must write the answer on the ticket. If they chose correctly their ticket goes into a draw. Work out the number of participants you need for your activity and away you go. Make sure they know you are fundraising to meet your quota.

​Leave it until closer to your trip otherwise you might miss out on a number of generous donations that you would have received anyway.

Eg: Donation = $5. Prize for correct answer $20. Participants needed for you to raise $80 = 20

dog walking


Dog walking, why not combine your fundraising with getting fit, use your free time to make some cash by walking dogs for your friends, family and neighbours. Get some flyers out explaining you are fundraising and watch the bookings rolling in.

Fitness Class


One-hour challenge. Do a sponsored danceathon, a sponsored backward run, guys dress for an hour as a woman at the office, use your imagination. If you don't work in an office, ask friends or family who might. Most people are up for a bit of fun.

Garage sale


Sell sell sell, this is the time to do your own clear out and make some money doing it. Get deep into those cupboards at home, ask neighbours, friends and family to donate some goodies and get selling. Get the pots and pans out, breakout the old hair straighteners and football boots and pull the bargain hunters in. There are car boot sales everywhere so an hour of market trading can really go along way!

Lady and man wearing wigs



Arrange a casual dress day for all your colleagues at work charging a fee for the privilege. Go to the boss and get the go ahead first.

Alternatively do a sponsored fancy dress day for yourself, become a cartoon or film character or wear a wig for the day. Just remember to get sponsorship beforehand and carry a collection tin with you at all times. Don't miss out on the collection on the way to and from work. Charge people a fee to participate and allocate a prize for the best outfit. Prizes can be donated by a local business. eg Dinner, haircut  etc

Lady saying shoosh


You have a day to fundraise why not use every hour, every minute and every second to help ensure you are a success. Start with a 24 hour silence as you will be amazed how many people will happily donate money to keep you quiet for a day.

Man biting ping pong bat



If you are feeling more adventurous why not look to do a sponsored sports challenge, dust off the table tennis bat, get a few friends involved and keep that ping pong ball moving for a whole day.

Kids coming down stairs in laundry basket


If you like little ones, baby or kid sit  for friends, family and neighbours. Even advertise at work or in your local school newsletter.

Encourage parents to go out on a date night or to an event during the day.

If you are able offer to collect kids or drop them off at school. Get some flyers out explaining you are fundraising and get ready for the phone to ring, ring, ring.

Plate with knife and fork


Accumulators, this is a great way to really up the money that you can raise and it's great fun too! You have 7 days so ask people to sponsor you based on those 7 days.

If you are fasting (make it healthy) for a week, ask people to bet against you per day. If you manage just one day they give you the first amount but every day it increases. Get everyone to bet $2 to $5 per day and make the challenge tough. a sponsored skips per day or if you smoke, give it up for a week. Ask friends and family to join you. They can then ask their networks to support them to support you.

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Using the element of competition is a great way to fundraise. There is a little competitive streak in all of us, so why not use it. The old classics are guess the number of sweets in the jar or "guess who" with baby photos but you need to appeal to a modern audience.

Check out if there is a weekly footy comp at work and get colleagues to guess the number of points that will be accrued by everyone participating. Or ask your friends to guess the number of times the X Factor judges say their act is the best one they have ever seen! It's all good fun. Particpants are charged a fee to play and the winner gets a prize. ie a voucher from a local business wishing to promote themselves

Labrador holding leash


Buddy run — The buddy being your dog. Encourage dog lovers to join you in a canine-friendly five kilometre walk. Charge an entry fee.

Zumba sign



Zumba — Ask a hot local Zumba instructor to host and help promote your fundraiser. Charge an extra fee for entrance to this special one-time class with everyone’s favourite instructor.



Can be added to any event.  Fill a room with balloons, hide donated prizes (eg vouchers for services) inside a select few, and sell needles to event-goers for a chance to “pop for prizes.”

Roulette wheel



A Casino Night fundraiser provides an exciting way in which to raise major funds. And it's easy. There are many companies who offer equipment and staff for the evening. Just google those in your area. 

The evening also offers dozens of ways to raise more funds including silent auctions, live auctions, raffles, gourmet catered dinner, and ticket sales. ​

Venues that serve alcohol will generally rent you the room for free as they can sell drinks to your patrons.

Trivia Night sign


Another opportunity to raise major funds. 

During a trivia night, a master of ceremonies reads trivia questions split up into different categories or rounds. The questions are then answered by different groups of people in an audience. These groups, also known as "teams" or "tables," typically consist of six to 10 people who have paid an admission fee to participate. Ask ten friends or family to invite ten of their friends to make up a table.

At the end of each round, a representative from each team turns in its answers to a panel of judges who then calculate the scores for each team. The teams compete against one another with the top two or three teams receiving prizes.

The MC can be a friend or local with the gift of the gab. Prizes can be donated by local businesses. Churches invariably allow their halls to be used by charities for free or a reduced rate.


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